Hotel Ranga

Hotel Rangá is 96 km from Reykjavík – 8 km from Hella, perfectly located on Highway 1.

Hotel Rangá is perfectly located 96 km from Reykjavík, 8 km from the Hella village on Road 1. The 4 star hotel provides stunning, picturesque surroundings, such as Mt. Hekla, Eyjafjallajökull glacier and the Westman Islands within a reach. It´s an excellent place to view the Northern Lights and it´s possible to sign up on a wake up list if the lights appear. The hotel offers a relaxing atmosphere and the staff is qualified to plan adventurous trips to the various places of interest. There are 24 standard rooms, 20 deluxe rooms and 7 luxury suites, decorated in the different styles of the various continents. The restaurant at Hotel Rangá is an acclaimed gourmet restaurant overlooking one of Iceland’s finest salmon rivers, East-Rangá River.

Our GPS coordinates are 63°46’50.53″N and 20°17’58.86″W.