The photography exhibition Erosion.

Photographers Capturing the Light

At the Reykjavík Museum of Photography, the group exhibition “Erosion” is currently on display, featuring works by sixteen photographers from the Association of Icelandic Contemporary Photographers (FÍSL). The exhibition is part of the Icelandic Photography Festival. The camera and the photographic medium are employed in diverse ways by these varied artists. The exhibition explores how photography can be redefined unconventionally, as the artists examine humanity’s relationship with the environment. Visitors will encounter images of staircases, empty swimming pools, a large rock, and a small house amid dramatic weather. These works highlight the visible traces of humanity in abandoned landscapes, as well as issues of environmental crises and consumerism. It’s a significant exhibition that raises profound questions. The curator is Daría Sól Andrews.

The photography exhibition Erosion.
The photography exhibition Erosion.
The photography exhibition Erosion.
The photography exhibition Erosion.
The Reykjavík Museum of Photography is located in Grófarhús, Tryggvagata.

Reykjavík January 22, 2025 – A7C R – FE 1.4/24mm GM
Images & text: Páll Stefánsson

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