Fosshotel Vatnajökull - Islandshotel -

Fosshotel Vatnajökull – Islandshotel

Fosshotel Vatnajökull is a popular official 3-star comfort tourist class hotel. There is a restaurant and bar offering a panoramic view of Vatnajökull glacier.

Fosshotel Vatnajökull is a charismatic and attractive hotel in the southeast of Iceland with a spectacular panoramic view of the majestic glacier Vatnajökull. Inspired by the breathtaking location, the hotel has been designed to ensure that your stay will be as relaxing as possible. Fosshotel Vatnajökull is newly renovated with 40 new rooms. It has a great restaurant, bar, and a conference venue.

Major renovations and constructions have taken place at Fosshotel Vatnajökull. 40 new rooms were added in the spring of 2014.

Click here for a conference and meeting information at Fosshótel Vatnajökull.


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