Pure and Natural

The Herbal Workshop is North Iceland’s only Certified Organic Skin Care Producer
The mountains reach high above North Iceland’s Eyjafjörður. With the flowers and herbs gathered by hand on their slopes, Urtasmiðjan or the Herbal Workshop creates the Sóla range of pure organic skin care oils, balms and creams.
The Herbal Workshop products are all produced by hand, without the use of machinery. Iceland’s pure air and unpolluted soil provide the ideal conditions for the plants to grow slowly, thus increasing their potency.
Lifraent vottadar hudvorur fra Urtasmidjunni SoLAPure sources + pure processes = pure product
urtasmidjan_blomnormal-154No chemical or petroleum base, artificial colourings or fragrances are used in any of the products—just pure herbal oils and bees wax, with natural vitamin E oil acting as the anti-oxidant. All the products contain Omega 3 and 6 oils that store vitamins and are so vital to the protection and nourishments of the skin. The herbs that are used are known for their proven positive effects on the skin and healing.
Protect your skin from pollution
In today’s polluted cities and lifestyles, it’s very important to look after your skin and Sóla products organic purity ensures the best possible care. It is available online and from selected health and tourist shops and hotels around Iceland.

Fossbrekku, 601 Akureyri
+354 462 4769
[email protected]

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