The colourful intersection of Klapparstígur and Laugavegur, looking up towards Skólavörðustígur.

In the Heart of Reykjavik

One of Reykjavik’s most interesting and diverse streets, Klapparstígur runs from Skúlagata southwards up to Skólavörðustígur. Klapparstígur is the first street in the Skuggahverfi neighbourhood and was paved—at the request of the neighbourhood’s residents—in the winter of 1877-1878. The street was originally laid from Klappavör, which was a major fishing spot near the small farm Klöpp, up to Laugavegur, today’s bustling shopping street. Initially, the street was named Skuggahverfisvegur, but Reykjavik residents soon began calling it Klapparstígur, and the new name stuck; it has been known as such since 1883. The street was extended to reach Skólavörðustígur a year earlier. Today, the street is very lively, with nearly fifteen restaurants and bars lining its almost 500-meter length in the heart of the Skuggahverfi neighbourhood in central Reykjavik.

A lush garden at Klapparstígur
At the corner of Klapparstígur and Lindargata.
The south end of Klapparstígur at Skólavörðustígur, looking north.
Klapparstígur meet Grettisgata in a typically colourful fashion.
The ever-popular coffee shop Kaffibrennslan, on the corner of Klapparstígur and Laugavegur.
The West side of Klapparstígur, below the Laugavegur intersection.
An enticing display in the window of Bókin (“The Book”), a popular antique bookstore on the corner of Klapparstígur and Hverfisgata.
The corner of Klapparstígur and Hverfisgata.
At the north end of Klapparstígur where it meets Skúlagata, looking south.

Reykjavík 02/06/2024 : A7C R, RX1R II – FE 1.4/24mm GM, 2.0/35mm Z
Photo & text : Páll Stefánsson

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