
Rauðasandur south of Patreksfjörður

Lonely Planet, one of the most respected and most popular travel book publications and information provider about countries and places to see in the world, placed Rauðasandur on Barðaströnd, currently in thirteenth place among the most beautiful/best beaches in the world. The Pass in New South Wales, Australia reigns supreme. Only one beach in Europe is ranked higher, West Beach, Berneray, Southern Isles of Scotland, that beach is ranked higher than Rauðasandur. It was Ármóður rauði Þorbjarnarson who settled Rauðasandur on Barðaströnd, and over the centuries the area has been one of the best in the country to inhabit, grassy and rich in land, good weather and light snow. Saurbær, the main estate of the area, was for centuries one of the most valuable property of land in the country, as it came with large perks, in seals and eggs, but Látrabjarg, one of the largest bird cliffs in the country, is located west of Rauðasandur. There are only 400 km / 240 mi, from Reykjavík and west to Rauðasandur at Breiðafjörður, south of Patreksfjörður.

The road to Rauðasandur from Patreksfjörður across Mjósund
Látrabjarg in the far
Rauðasandur, Bæjarvaðall and Hraunshnjúkur
Beautiful summerday at Rauðasandur 
Summerday at Rauðasandur

Red sand 06/03/2024 : RX1RII, A7R III : 2.0/35mm Z, FE 2.8/100mm GM
Photographs & text: Páll Stefánsson