Queen of Hearts, Sóley Ragnarsdóttir

Future & Past

Gerðarsafn in the center of Kópavogur is one of the country’s main museums. Currently, there are two exhibitions running: Numbers, Places, an exhibition by Þór Vigfússon (b. 1954), which is specially created for the east gallery of the museum, and in the west gallery is Queen of Hearts, a colorful exhibition by Sóley Ragnarsdóttir (b. 1991), a collaborative project between Gerðarsafn and Augustina Kunstpart & Kunstal in Jutland, Denmark. The exhibition features highly decorative paintings, wallpapers, and napkins that create a cohesive, colorful display, her first in the Republic. Þór’s exhibition consists of numerous equally sized squares made of colored glass that create an interplay between forms, colors, and space in the east gallery. These contrasting exhibitions showcase, on one hand, the dominance of color and joy… and in the other gallery, upon closer inspection, a complex ideological approach to the sculptural form itself, as described in the exhibition catalog.

Gerðarsafn in Kópavogur
Queen of Hearts, Sóley Ragnarsdóttir
Queen of Hearts, Sóley Ragnarsdóttir
Queen of Hearts, Sóley Ragnarsdóttir
Numbers, Places, an exhibition by Þór Vigfússon
Numbers, Places, an exhibition by Þór Vigfússon

Kópavogur 20/05/2024: RX1R II, A7R IV – 2.0/35mm Z, FE 1.8/20mm G Photos & text: Páll Stefánsson