Icelandic Times – Issue 9

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When summer comes, Iceland opens up just like the many different varieties of flowers that bloom across the land. Like those flowers, there is such a variety of activities to do, sights to see and things to experience.

IT-9_icelandic Times issue 9 icelandictimesIn this, the largest issue to date, we present some of that wide range of facets that make a summer visit to Iceland so different from the more common holidays.

No magazine can do the country justice, however; every sense, every emotion and every part of body and spirit is exercised to the maximum in this land of extremes.

It’s easy to use superlatives, but this is one occasion where they are merited. How else can life-changing sights and experiences be described?

We invite you to investigate this Land of Fire and Ice yourself and see if you agree with all that has been written here. Yet, you will still only be scratching the surface!

—Andrew Scott Fortune