The office of the Prime Minister of Iceland

New Prime Minister For Iceland?

After the general election, Samfylkingin (Social Democratic Alliance) was the largest political party in Iceland after the parliamentary elections. The party received 20,8% of the vote and 15 MPs elected, out of 63, + 9 Mps. The runner-up is Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn (The Independence Party) with 14 MPs and 19,4% of the vote, lost two. The loser was Vinstri Græn (Left Green) , a party who had the Prime Minister for the last seven years, Katrín Jakobsdóttir, until she tried to be President in the June 2024 elections and lost. The Party lost all eight PMs. Two other winners of the are Viðreisn who received 15.8% of the vote and 11 MPs elected, +6, and Inga Snæland´s party, Flokkur Fólksins, who received 13,8% of the vote and 10 MPs elected + 4. The Pirate Party lost all of their six MPs. And Framsóknarflokkurinn, the oldest party in Iceland, lost 8 MPs, three Ministers lost their seats, the party is for the first time in its more than one hundred years history with less than 10% of the votes, got 7.8% and NO MPs in the capital region. The President, Halla Tómasdóttir, is expected to hand over the key to form a government to Kristrún Frostadóttir (1988) the chair of Samfylkingin (Social Democratic Alliance).

The next generation having fun at Ingólfstorg in Reykjavík
Lækjartorg tomorrow
Þorgerður Katrín Gunnarsdóttir, the chair of Viðreisn
Kristrún Frostadóttir, the next PM?
Alþingi, the Parliament
Inga Sæland one of the winners, and chair of Flokkur Fólksins
Reykjavík 01/12/2024 : A7C R  – FE 1.4/24mm GM
Ljósmyndir & texti : Páll Stefánsson 
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