Aðalstræti, elsta gata Reykjavíkur, í lok desember 2024

Reykjavík’s Beauty

Between Christmas and New Year’s, Iceland is a virtual no-man’s land. Christmas is over, and all that’s left is waiting for the New Year. A year that always begins at the same time—half an hour after the national broadcasting company’s annual New Year’s comedy program ends. While waiting, it’s a perfect time to pass the hours by experiencing the pristine winter beauty that embraces us this time of year in Iceland. Land & Saga / Icelandic Times encountered this beauty… right in the heart of downtown Reykjavík today.

A duck in Thorfinnstjörn pond in the Vatnsmýri wetlands in Reykjavík.
Grass by the Pond.
 Old Man Winter’s presence by the pond bank near the Hljómskálinn pavilion.
What plant is this? How beautiful it is!
Reykjavík City Hall and Idnó across the Reykjavík Pond.
Adalstræti 10, the oldest house in Reykjavík, built in 1762.


Reykjavík, 28/12/2024 – A7C R – FE2.8/100mm GM
Images & text: Páll Stefánsson

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