The new information center for Snæfellsjökull national park at Hellissandur, is a 700 square meter building wich cost 700 million to build

The westernmost part of Snæfellsnes

If there was a poll about the most beautiful municipalities in the country, i’m pretty sure that Snæfellsbær would be in the top five. After all, Snæfellsbær is the westernmost municipality in Snæfellsnes, with its 1,700 inhabitants, with exceptionally special nature, and an entire national park, Snæfellsjökull National Park. Last year, the national park was visited by more than half a million tourists. Snæfellsbær is not just  about nature, it has two towns, Arnarstapi and Hellnar on the southern side of the promontory, and three towns on the northern side. Furthest to the west is Hellissandur, then comes Rif, with one of the best fishing harbors in the country, and to the east is the most populous urban center, the fishing town Ólafsvík. Many well-known and unique natural pearls can be found there by the glacier, such as the beach between Hellnar and Arnarstapi, Lóndrangar, Dritvík and Svörtuloft, the westernmost rock on Snæfellsnes. Then, of course, the volcano Snæfellsjökull, one of the most beautiful mountains in Iceland. When Icelandic Times / Land & Saga passed the headland last week, the glacier was hidden in the clouds, but that was all right because the nature is so unique there in the west of Snæfellsnes there is always something to explore.

(Browse the page here and view gorgeous photos and reviews of Snæfellsbær)

Ólafsvík, the largest town of Snæfellsbær.
The harbour in Ólafsvík.
Jöklarar, an honorary monument for sailors that drowned at Hellissandur. The sculpture is made by Ragnar Kjartansson
House of the ducks at Hellissandur.
New times and old, Arnarstapi.
New houses at Hellnar.
The harbour at Rif, on of the country’s best harbours.
Lóndrangar seen from Þúfubjarg.
The birds have arrived at Þúfubjarg.
Looking down from Þúfubjarg.
The new information center for Snæfellsjökull national park at Hellissandur was consecrated recently, beautiful building made by Arkís architects.
The new information center for Snæfellsjökull national park at Hellissandur is well located in the western part of the town.


Photographs & text: Páll Stefánsson
Snæfellsnes 21/04/2023 :A7R IV, A7R III, A7C : FE 1.8/135mm GM, FE 1.2/50mm GM, FE 1.8/20mm G


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