Laki or Lakagígar (Craters of Laki) is a volcanic fissure in the south highlands of Iceland,. Lakagígar is the correct name, as Laki mountain itself did not erupt, as fissures opened up on each side of it. Lakagígar is part of a volcanic system centered on the Grímsvötn volcano and including the Þórðarhyrna volcano. It lies between the glaciers of Mýrdalsjökull and Vatnajökull, in an area of fissures that run in a southwest to northeast direction.



Gjallandi waterfall in river Skjalfandafljot. Highlands of Iceland.
Laki or Lakagígar (Craters of Laki) is a volcanic fissure in the south highlands of Iceland,. Lakagígar is the correct name, as Laki mountain itself did not erupt, as fissures opened up on each side of it. Lakagígar is part of a volcanic system centered on the Grímsvötn volcano and including the Þórðarhyrna volcano. It lies between the glaciers of Mýrdalsjökull and Vatnajökull, in an area of fissures that run in a southwest to northeast direction.
拉基火山口(Laki或 Lakagígar)是冰岛南部高地的火山裂缝。 Lakagígar这一名字其实更为准确,因为拉基山(Laki)本身并没有发生火山爆发,而山两边却出现了裂缝。拉基属于中心位于格里姆火山(Grímsvötn)的火山系统,这个系统也包括Þórðarhyrna火山。火山处于米尔达斯冰川和瓦特纳冰川之间,也在西南至东北走向的裂缝带之间。

过去,人们在夏季利用高地上的山径作为来往于冰岛南北两端的捷径,也有传说称,幽灵鬼怪在这里吓唬旅人。如今,不担心鬼神而担心多变的天气似乎更加明智,因为高地上的自然条件变化多端,即使在仲夏时节也可能会下雪。不论是开车、骑自行车或者徒步旅行都需要非常谨慎并且将行程告知联系人。高地上没有铺平的路面,有的只是前人留下的小径,河流上也少有桥梁。其实能够贯穿南北两端的路只有两条,分别是Sprengisandur (F26) 和 Kjölur (F35)。这份孤独隔绝,让旅人深醉其中。除了自由行,也可以参加巴士旅行团,安全无忧欣赏高地风景。冰岛高地地貌宛如外星,难怪当年阿姆斯特朗也选择在这里作登月训练。

Back packers walking in the Highland’s of Landmannalaugar towards Brennisteinsalda, Iceland
Sprengisandur, Highlands of Iceland
Back packers walking in the Highland’s of Landmannalaugar towards Brennisteinsalda, Iceland
The falls plunge 33 feet in a horseshoe-shaped recess, breaking into as many as six distinct segments depending on how much water is present in the artificially reduced river. During periods of heavier discharge the whole ledge may become covered in water, stretching out to nearly 200 unbroken feet in width
Breiðamerkurjökull is part of the big Glacier Vatnajkull
Glacier Sólheimajökull - Iceland
Lónsöræfi ( Lonsoraefi ) in the East highlands of Iceland
Taken in south-Iceland
Landmannalaugar is a region near the volcano Hekla in southern section of Iceland's highlands
Landmannalaugar area - Highland - Iceland
Landmannalaugar area – Highland – Iceland

Photo: Rafn Sig