The Culture House

Safnahúsið á Húsavík -Menningarmiðstöð Þingeyinga.
There are two permanent exhibitions in The Culture House: ‘Man and Nature – 100 years in Þingeyjarsýsla’, a new exihibiton opened in 2010 and ‘The Maritime Exhibition’.
Safnahúsið á Húsavík -Menningarmiðstöð Þingeyinga.‘Man and Nature – 100 Years in Þingeyjarsýsla’ aims to provide insight into man’s relationship with nature in this region in the period 1850-1950, and the subsistence farming that was practised at that time when each farmstead was largely self-sufficient.

This interesting aspect of national culture is explored by juxtaposing objects from nature and man-made artefacts. The presentation includes a large number of interesting exhibits – some of natural origin, such as animals, plants and rocks, while others are home-made objects, for instance tools, needlework, works of art and crafts, etc.

‘The Maritime Exhibition’ displays a large number of boats, many of them built in Húsavík. It also includes a wide variety of fishing gear, equipment and tools which were used in the fisheries, seal-hunting and shark-fishing. Films can be viewed, and the exhibition offers an interesting interactive history database, where information on such unusual matters as the location of fishing grounds, farms with driftwood rights, landing-places for boats, etc. is presented in map form.

On both the ground floor and top floor of the Culture House various temporary exhibitions and events take place. This summer, there will be exhibition on archeological research and findings in the area, an exhibition on Iceland’s role in the moon landing and a photography exhibition with photos from the Mývatn Area at the beginning of the 20th century, taken by Bárður Sigurðsson.


At the Cultural house you can also find a children’s room, museum shop and coffee.
The Culture House is open from the 1st of June – 31st of August every day from 10-18.
Adult admission is 600 ISK with children under 16 admitted free and includes all exhibits.



  • Andrew Scott Fortune

    Andrew Scott Fortune has worked in the publishing field since 1971. He is interested in expanding the possibilities offered by digital innovations but has his feet firmly in the country lifestyle.

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