New Acquisitions

New Acquisitions

Bjarki Bragason, Claudia Hausfeld, G.Erla, Hildur Hákonardóttir, Jóna Hlíf Halldórsdóttir, Kolbrún Ýr Einarsdóttir, Ragnheiður Ragnarsdóttir, Rúna Þorkelsdóttir

 This new exhibition presents a selection of The Living Art Museum’s new acquisitions, honouring the recent donations to the collection from the past three years. Artworks on display span across 50 years of the Icelandic contemporary art scene. New Acquisitionsfeatures a range of techniques and disciplines — including textiles, sculpture, photography and installation — granting fresh perspective on the variety of methods and processes developed in our current time.

The exhibition runs from July 14th to the 9th of August. There will be no official opening but an artist talk will be held on July 30, information will be announced soon.

Opening hours
The Living Art Museum, 101 Marshall house
Open Wednesday – Sunday from 12 – 18

The Living Art Museum, 111 Breiðholt
Open by appointment

Admission is free

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