Landsvirkjun’s Renewable Energy

Iceland is the ideal location for Data Centers

Landsvirkjun offers a long-term competitive advantage through power security. In an increasingly competitive global environment, companies need to work hard to build long-term competitive advantage. In Iceland, Landsvirkjun—the National Power Company of Iceland—offers the most competitive power contracts in Europe. Multi-year fixed price contracts enable power intensive companies to compete successfully on a global scale while offering a product produced using 100% renewable energy.


Physical security

Fljótsdalsstöð - Stöðvarhúshellir / Fljótsdalur hydropowIceland is on top of the list when it comes to physical security according to the World Economic Forum. The country’s network of power plants and transmission systems built to service the aluminum industry provide extensive redundancy and reliability. In addition, Landsvirkjun produces all its power using renewable sources, enabling their customers to operate without being affected by fluctuations in fossil fuel availability and with a positive environmental impact.

Price security

The global energy markets are and will continue to be volatile. In contrast, Iceland offers low and stable prices on a long-term basis. As companies seek to manage costs, Iceland can offer long-term price visibility based on its unique mix of renewable power generation. The predictable and stable cost of electricity provides a clear competitive advantage because these factors simplify long-term planning and financing, while mitigating risk.

Carbon security

According to Rikardur Rikardsson, Director of Sales and Business Development at the National Power Company of Iceland, major companies are now focusing on sustainability and carbon management to remain competitive. This is an important practice because they must remain in tune with the sentiment of the global customer, the reality of increasing global taxation on fossil fuel use, and increased regulations against business practices that harm the environment. Landsvirkjun’s renewable power generation is not only an effective hedge against carbon tax regimes, but also the basis for a clear competitive advantage in today’s environmentally conscious global market.

The ideal location for data centers

Data centers are among the most power-intensive operations today and data center operations are a rapidly growing industry in Iceland. Iceland is an ideal location for data centers because as it provides a clear competitive advantage through its strategic location between major markets, solid infrastructure, consistent low energy prices, reliable power transmission, and company branding opportunities due to the impeccable green-energy credentials. In addition, Iceland’s cool and stable climate allows for 24/7/365 free air cooling of data centers.

Landvirkjun is committed to its vision of establishing Iceland as the ideal location for data centers.


Háaleitisbraut 68 ◦ 103 Reykjavik,,tel: +354 515 9000


  • Simon Falkner

    Simon Falkner is a freelance journalist and songwriter pursuing a degree in economics and environmental science. He spends most of his time researching various topics ranging from physics to geopolitics, and loves to travel when his nose is not buried in some book, or stuck to the screen of his laptop.

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