Night of Light 2023

Night of Light 2023

Ljósanótt, Reykjanesbær’s cultural and family festival, was held for the first time on September 2nd in 2000 and was Reykjanesbær’s contribution to Reykjavík, the city of culture in 2000. The festival was dedicated to lighting the sea hammers of the “Bergsin” and derives its name from that event, which the lighting work was created after the idea of Steinþór Jónsson, then town councilor and first chairman of the Night of Light Committee.

Night of Light is held on the first weekend in September every year, and the focus is on extensive events from Thursday to Sunday, although the festival sometimes extends beyond that framework. It always reaches its peak on Saturday evening with a big concert on the outdoor stage, the illumination of the Berg and a spectacular fireworks display. The festival takes place on the weekend of the first Saturday in September.

Cultural focus is the hallmark of the festival, and music and art have always been at the forefront, as the town is a long-established musical town.

The town of Reykjanesbær creates a setting for the festival and organizes various fixed events, but the diversity of the festival is created by the participants themselves, that is, residents and visitors who organize events, large and small. The participation of the public in holding events has steadily increased and one of the goals of the festival is that it is a platform for people to create and entertain themselves and others.

Various regular events characterize the festival, including an opening ceremony where the children of the town play a central role, the opening of new art exhibitions organized by the Reykjanesbær Art Museum and exhibitions throughout the town as a result, Skólamatar’s meat soup, a class procession, a grand carriage drive, a big concert on the outdoor stage, firework displays and more.

See schedule for Ljósanótt 2023


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