Hotel Búðir is the place where your heart feels at home

_P5N0196The Spell of Solitude

There are moments in life that simply need champagne—served in antique glasses on a tablecloth made of old lace, on a lonely beach at the foot of the majestic Snæfells glacier in the heart of the Snæfellsnes Peninsula National Park. The feeling of freedom and space, the essence of Icelandic solitude is like no other. Above, you have the skies, with the wind constantly creating new artworks with the clouds. If you have ever wanted to know what it would be like to be the only person on this planet, you should visit the secluded and home-like Hotel Búðir. This might just be the place where you can finally find the inner peace that, perhaps, you have been looking for all your life.

These special moments in life make it worthwhile to drive 180km from the capital to get to a place that you have always been looking for. This countryside hotel not only provides the laced tablecloth and champagne glasses for special occasions; here people seem to be able to read your mind and know how to make dreams come true.
Photo Arnaldur Halldórsson
Since it opened in 1946, Hotel Búðir has been a very special place in Iceland and not just because it is one of the most remote hotels in the country. As if in a dream of the days long past, the snow-white building with the adjacent chapel is situated on the cliffs of a lovely bay, safely protected from northerly winds by the flanks of the mighty Snæfells glacier. The hotel and chapel are all that remain of a historic settlement place. You will hardly find anything more unique. Peace, serenity, tranquility, grandeur; Búðir is a special break from the mundane of everyday life, designed for life changing occasions we want to celebrate in a manner that will preserve the memory forever.
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Tradition for the exceptional

In Hotel Búðir, the staff maintain a tradition for the exceptional and for hospitality. Whether in the tasteful décor of items from days gone by, inserted into a modern setting or through their very special sense for hospitality, the hotel’s management strives to provide a unique setting, characterized by their own set of ground rules. This strategy has proven its worth and the hotel was awarded the 16th place on a list of the best hotels in the North Europe, according to the Condé Nast Traveler’s Readers’ Choice.
“Hotel Búðir is an idealistic hotel, and has always been throughout its long history,” says hotelier Jóhannes Arason. “We strive to be more than just a hotel. The clientele appreciates this vision and our main form of promotion is via reputation. Many of the guests are coming back year after year to this hidden jewel in order to find peace and recreation in their busy lives, and to enjoy the hotel’s exceptional services”.

Whether you are planning horseback riding tours, hiking trips in the surrounding area, golfing or angling trips, whether you need some photo-ideas, a special time with your romantic partner or just to enjoy some smiling friendliness, the staff at Hotel Búðir will put their whole heart into making it happen.

Extraordinary cuisine open to all

In the tradition of Icelandic hospitality, the restaurant is open all year round from noon. There is always a hot soup on the stove to warm hotel guests as well as weary travellers passing by. Freshly baked cakes sweeten up a rainy afternoon and could form the prelude to a romantic candlelight dinner.
The chef greatly emphasizes the use of only exquisite tasting, local products to create unforgettable delicacies like fresh veal tart, smoked tongue or Icelandic game. You can be sure that the blueberries or hand-picked herbs refining your dish, or the homemade Mojito originate from places nearby the hotel. The restaurant is the hotel’s greatest pride and plays a major role in its popularity.

Ideal for your event

For a wedding dream come true, Hotel Búðir might just be the right place as it has been described as one of the most romantic places in the world! Its 28 well-equipped rooms and tastefully decorated premises with large windows provide the ideal setting for life’s most memorable day. A wedding ceremony in the open air, on the beach or within the bizarre lava formations; a champagne reception on the old pier; a brisk horseback riding trip into the Icelandic sunset – there are no limits for ideas.

Spell of solitude

Iceland enchants the traveller in any season, but the magic of a winter night with dancing Northern Lights and golden moon light floating on the waves can only be captured in places where nothing disturbs the senses, and where the heart is at home.
Rediscover memories on the endless beach of Djúpalónssandur with pebbles that are said to have magical energy. Roam through caves, whisper a fervent wish on the summit of mount Helgafell, and pamper body and soul in the evenings at Hotel Búðir’s restaurant, before a relaxing sleep to give you strength for a new morning’s adventure.
This is the special recipe from Hotel Búðir at the end of the world.

 Hótel Búðir

356 Snæfellsbær,Iceland
Phone: +354 435 6700
Fax:  +354 435 6701

For more information and booking go to


  • Dagmar Trodler

    Dagmar Trodler is an author and fairy-hill dweller. Her motto: A life without nature and horses is possible, but makes no sense.

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