Recharge Your Batteries

Egilsstadir1Stylish and Affordable Accommodation at Lyngás

Travelling through the seemingly countless fjords in eastern Iceland is an unforgettable experience, but obviously quite long, which is why recharging your batteries (as well as your actual ones) in Lyngás Guesthouse in the town of Egilsstaðir is a very good idea.

Lyngás is a new and modern guesthouse that places special emphasis on cleanliness, quick and simple booking and reasonable prices. The guesthouse’ interiors are a quite stylish, bright and minimalistic design. The owner, Guttormur, can be found most of the time in the reception and is more than willing to give helpful tips about your travels in the east.

Rooms for all
Rooms come in various sizes, suited for individuals, couples, families or groups of up to seven. Being a modern guesthouse, Wi-Fi is present, of course, as well as a communal living room and kitchen, where you can compare books with fellow travellers.
lyngas egilstadir _MG_6926The guesthouse is situated in the heart of Egilsstaðir close to all amenities, including the Tourist Information Office. Just outside of town you’ll find incomparable attractions such as the Stórurð-area and the majestic Hengilfoss waterfall. – VAGlyngas egilstadir _MG_6962

Lyngás Gistiheimili

Lyngási 5-7 • 700 Egilsstöðum
+354 471 1310
[email protected]

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