Sveinn Þórarinsson 1899 – 1977 Sveinn Þórarinsson 1899 – 1977 Icelandic Painters Other Icelandic painters see more here
Á meðal // Íris Ásmundar & Nicolas Ipina Editorial Artwork, in the form of photographs, unfolds through the creative flow and passion of two artists that strive to awaken the...
Guðmundur Pétursson Thorsteinsson (Muggur) Editorial Guðmundur Pétursson Thorsteinsson, better known as Muggur (5 September 1891,born in Bíldudalur – 27 July 1924.) was an...
Good Thursday Editorial Good Thursday is the last Thursday of the month. A number of museums and exhibition spaces in Reykjavík offer extended...
Jón B. K. Ransu Editorial Parergon: The Absence That Defines The Painting In philosophy, the concept of “Ergon” refers to the produced...
Litla Gallerý – Terminal X Editorial Terminal X: Tangibility & Waves September 7th – September 17th 2023 Terminal X is a collective exhibition program...
Sýningin Heritage of the past – future of the community Editorial The exhibition Heratage of the Past – Future of the Community is an ode to an abandoned mansion in Foeni, Romania. The...