Summer Vacation in Sandgerdi

The Start of a Great Vacation

The Reykjanes Peninsula is the youngest part of the country but also one of the most fascinating. The unique interplay between the sea and lava has created countless beautiful spots worth seeing, and few places offer such a diverse and interesting birdlife. You don’t always need to go far, and a visit to Sandgerdi can be the start of an absolutely fantastic vacation.DSCF0042

In Sandgerdi, there is a new campsite with all the amenities that modern travellers enjoy, and from there, there is now easy access to circle around the Reykjanes Peninsula. There are countless unique spots in the vicinity, and no one should feel bored while exploring from this cozy town. A great place to start is the Educational Center in Sandgerdi, where an exhibition about the French polar explorer Jean-Baptiste Charcot provides a vivid picture of the dangers and challenges faced by the first explorers of the Arctic. The tragic shipwreck of his vessel, Pourquoi-pas? off the west coast of Iceland, just outside Álftanes á Mýrum, has earned him an eternal place in the hearts of Icelanders.


Notable Historic Sites and Natural Wonders

Many historical sites are located near Sandgerdi, such as Básendar, Stafnes, Másbúdarhólmi, Bæjasker, Kirkjuból, Hafurbjarnastadir, Hvalness Church, and the ruins at Stóri-Hólmur. The restaurant Vitinn offers unique crab feasts, and it’s worth noting that Sandgerdi boasts a splendid swimming pool with water slides and an 18-hole golf course at Kirkjuból. Visitors should definitely walk across the bridge between continents and explore Reykjanesviti (the Reykjanes lighthouse). The surroundings are spectacular, and it’s fun to hike up to Valahnjúkur and explore Valbjarnargjá, where children in Reykjanes were once taught to swim. Gunnuhver, one of the most powerful geothermal areas in the country, is just a stone’s throw away, even if its legend is somewhat harrowing. Orkuverid Jörd (“Power Station Earth”) is an exhibition about geothermal energy and how the forces of Earth come together at the Reykjanes Power Station. It’s an enlightening experience, especially for children, to see how human ingenuity has managed to harness the powers of nature.

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Paradís fuglaskoðara

Þótt tæpt hafi verið hér á ótal áhugaverðum stöðum hefur varla verið tekinn kúfurinn af því sem fróðlegt og skemmtilegt er að sjá á Reykjanesi. Í og við Sandgerði er líka mikið gósenland fugla og á vorin fyllist allt af mönnum vopnuðum öflugum sjónaukum að skima eftir fallegum fiðruðum flækingum. Fuglarnir eru ekki einu ferðalangarnir sem koma aftur og aftur á Reykjanesið, enda gnægð afþreyingar, matar og skemmtunar þar fyrir bæði fugla og menn.


Varðan, Miðnestorg 3 • 245 Sandgerði
+354 420 7555
[email protected]

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