Lilja Dögg Alfreðsdóttir, Minister of Culture and Tourism, gives a speech

The Icelandic Art Prize

They were presented for the seventh time, at a ceremony in Iðnó by Tjörnin, The Icelandic Art Prize. Amanda Riffo was chosen visual artist of the year, for the exhibition House of Purkinje in the Museum of Contemporary Art. She is a French-Chilean visual artist who has been living in Iceland for the past 12 years. Brák Jónsdóttir received the incentive award for the exhibition Possible Reproduction in the Nordic House. Hreinn Friðfinnsson received an honorary recognition for his contribution to Icelandic art. He died a little over a week ago, aged 81. The most interesting reprint was Hilda Hákonardóttir’s exhibition, Rauður þráður at Kjarvalsstaðir. The joint exhibition of the year was Að rekja brot, in Gerðarsafn, Kópavogur, and then an award for published material related to art, the book Art can Heal: The Life and Work of Sigríður Björnsdóttir, by Ágústa Oddsdóttir. Of course Icelandic Times / Land & Saga was there.

Gjörningaklúppurinn did a performance of their own, as well as being the hosts of the event
Ágústa Oddsdóttir accepts the award for the book of the year, from Ásdís Spanó, chairperson of the Visual Arts Council
A piece by Hreinn Friðfinnson
The incentive award being accepted by Brák Jónsdóttir
Ólöf Kristín Sigurðardóttir, the director of The National Gallery of Iceland gave a speach about Hreinn Friðfinnsson
Kristín Ómarsdóttir, author gave a powerful speach

Reykjavík 14/03/2024 : A7R III, A7R IV : FE 1.8/135mm GM, FE 1.2/50mm GM
Photographs & text: Páll Stefánsson


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