The Little Christmas Shop that is festive all year round

The Joyful Wonderland

christmas iceland icelandictimes

Anne Helen, owner of ‘The Little Christmas Shop’ on Laugavegur, Reykjavik’s main shopping street, is what you might call a ‘one woman wonder’. Ten years ago, she decided it was time for a change and turned to doing what she does better than most of us; making the world a prettier place, one Christmas ball at a time.

jol iceland icelandic timesjolavorur-5jolavorur-4In the Land of Eternal Christmas
Anne Helen, a genuine aesthete, says she has always had somewhat of a Christmas obsession and an intense passion for things of beauty. She never goes for anything average but hunts for things of quality that truly stand out. Though she imports merchandise from all over Europe, her ambition is to specialise in Icelandic handiwork and ornaments. She already has an extensive range, most made exclusively for her by a number of craftsmen, each having a distinctive approach and working in materials such as wool, glass and clay. In addition to customary Christmas ornaments, she includes local folklore figures, like the thirteen Yule Lads and the Christmas Cat.
Anne Helen loves is to tell customers about Icelandic Christmas traditions. Visitors often stop by simply because they’ve heard of her hospitality and the shop’s friendly atmosphere. They rarely leave empty handed. After all, placing an Icelandic Yule Lad on your Christmas tree every year is a great way to remember your visit to Iceland. –HÞ


  • Hrafnhildur Þórhalldsóttir

    Hrafnhildur Þórhallsdóttir is a writer and a passionate dog owner who fiercely believes that beauty can save the world. In her spare time she mostly eats (peanut butter), plays with the dog and writes poetry about the general agony of love and human existence.

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