Viking Style Christmas

vikingakrain_3Viking Style Christmas Enjoy a Feast as You Step Back in Time at Vikingakráin Have you ever wondered just what Viking life was like? Here‘s an opportunity for you and your friends to find out! Set in the heart of downtown Reykjavik, the home of the Vikings, you will find Vikingakráin, the Viking restaurant. If you are planning a group event, incentive tour, conference or

meeting, this is the restaurant that will be talked about long after the other discussions are forgotten.









You get the feel for the Viking way of life the moment you walk in. A longship stretches almost the full length of the restaurant, serving as a bar. The wood tables and benches add that air of authenticity to the rough-hewn beams and ceiling. For special events, which is what any Viking feast is, the actors, poets and storytellers perform in such enthralling manner that you will, for the moment, forget you are in the 21st century, as you are transported back in time almost a thousand years. Give them a call to book your dinner, as this is a popular venue year-round. Vikingakráin is located above the Dubliner pub, known as both the oldest and happiest pub in town.


  • Andrew Scott Fortune

    Andrew Scott Fortune has worked in the publishing field since 1971. He is interested in expanding the possibilities offered by digital innovations but has his feet firmly in the country lifestyle.

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