See the whales from Akureyri’s specialised whale watching ship
This is the third year of scheduled tours from Akureyri with the ‘Ambassador’ whale-watching ship.
The beautiful town of Akureyri itself, full of old historic houses, is simply captivating.

poster1The Whales’ home
The North of Iceland is home to all the species of whales found around the country. Eyjafjörður, particularly, is home to Humpback Whales—gigantic animals who love singing and slapping their fins and tails!

It is beautiful to watch these magnificent creatures jump up out of the ocean! Additionally, Minke Whales, Dolphins, Harbour Porpoises and Blue Whales are seen in the fjord.

DSC_8811Sailing with the ‘Ambassador’
The name ‘Ambassador’ refers to its function of connecting whales and humans and it has great viewing facilities to do that. It sails three times a day during summer from Akureyri’s central harbour, next to the Hof cultural house. Tours take from three to four hours, during which you get guidance about the nature of the whales, the sea, the fjord, the mountains—the whole eco-system. Being protected from winds and weather by the mountains ensures that it’s calmer than the open sea.

The Sailing Schedule – Every Day Departures
Tours leave in the morning at 9.00, in the afternoon at 13.30, an evening tours start at 20.30 in June, July and until August 9th.  From 10th-31st of August there are daily tours at 18.00, giving you the opportunity to watch the whales and enjoy the bright and beautiful colours of northern evening sun simultaneously!

The infamous Northern Light tours are offered throughout September 15th – October 31st, with an evening cruise starting at 21.30.



Torfunefsbryggja Harbour, 600 Akureyri
+354 462 6800
65° 681567N
18° 086479W


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