A Cultural Celebration
The Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Centre celebrates its fifth operating year
哈帕/ Harpa音乐厅和会议中心迎来开业第五年
Glass like Crystallised Basalt Columns
This spectacular glass building would not be out of place in one of the world’s largest cities but for it to be in Iceland’s capital, with a population of 120.000, is all the more remarkable and testament to the emphasis this country puts upon the cultural aspects of life. The unique glass façade was designed by Ólafur Elíasson and Henning Larsen Architects and consists of quasi bricks inspired by crystalized basalt columns, such as those found at Skógarfoss waterfall. Natural light is a key element in the design as the changing daylight alters the reflectivity and colours of the glass. At night, when the façade is lit, the whole building glows dramatically against the background of the harbour and, across the bay, the mountains of Esja. Harpa‘s magnificent architecture has not gone unnoticed and received the Mies van der Rohe architecture awards in 2013.
哈帕/ Harpa音乐厅和会议中心这栋宏伟的玻璃幕墙建筑,对于世界任何一个最大的城市之一而言,都将占有一席之地。而对于只有12万人口的冰岛首都来说,则更是引人注目,它从另一个侧面向人们证明了冰岛对于文化生活的重视。哈帕/ Harpa音乐厅和会议中心 独特的玻璃外立面是由艺术家奥拉维尔.埃利亚松/Ólafur Elíasson和亨宁.拉森建筑事务所/ Henning Larsen Architects共同设计完成的,它有若干块玻璃砖块构成,这些砖块的灵感来自于玄武岩结晶体,就如在史克卡瀑布/Skógarfoss发现的那种。自然采光是音乐厅和会议中心设计的关键,因为随着日光的变化,玻璃外墙的反射率和颜色也会随着变化。每当夜幕降临,玻璃幕墙华灯初上之时,整栋建筑在海港的夜色映衬下熠熠生辉,照亮了海湾,照亮了埃斯亚山/ the mountains of Esja。哈帕的这座宏伟建筑一直受到关注,2013年,该建筑荣获密斯·凡·德罗欧洲当代建筑奖/Mies van der Rohe Award。
Hall of Fire
The radical design extends to each of the four halls, whose names correspond to the elements of air, earth, fire and water. Eldborg or ‘Fire Castle’, named after the famous volcanic crater in the West of Iceland, is the grand concert hall, seating up to 1800 guests, providing a dramatic backdrop to any production or event.
哈帕/ Harpa音乐厅和会议中心的四个厅都采用了激进的设计风格, 这四个厅的名字分别对应空气、大地、火、水四种元素。演奏大厅艾尔博格/Eldborg或“火之城堡”即是冰岛西部著名火山口的名字。这个大厅能够容纳1800位听众,可以为各类演出或活动提供生动的背景。
Northern Lights fill the air
Representing air, Norðurljós or ‘Northern Lights,’ is a smaller recital hall, whose vivid blue decor is equally as dramatic. The colouring can be configured with different themes to create the optimum atmosphere and ambiance. It is an ideal location for conferences, concerts by chamber groups, jazz bands or similar performances, receptions and other functions or events. Norðurljós can be cleverly combined with the conference hall for larger events.
诺斯雷沃斯/ Norðurljó 或者“北极之光”厅代表空气,尽管这是一个小演奏厅,但碧蓝色的装饰照样引人注目。演奏厅的色彩可以根据不同的主题进行配置以营造最适宜的气氛及氛围。无论是举办会议、室内乐团的音乐会、爵士乐队或者其他类似的表演,还是举办招待会或者其他的活动,“北极之光”厅都能与会议厅巧妙地结合起来以供更大的活动使用。
Earth’s Translucent Crystal
Silfurberg, representing earth, is Harpa’s conference hall. Its name comes from a crystal of translucent calcite that is rarely found elsewhere than in Iceland. It can accommodate up to 750 seated guests. The stage is movable and expandable. The hall can be divided into two parts, each accommodating 325 seated guests, with a soundproofed retractable partition. The hall is very suitable for all types of conferences, receptions or concerts, especially if they are amplified. It is specially designed as a conference hall and features the best available technology. The acoustics are adapted to the spoken word and are configurable.
希尔弗博格/Silfurberg厅,代表大地。这是哈帕/ Harpa音乐厅和会议中心的会议厅。它的名字来自于一种透明的方解石晶体,这种方解石除了冰岛外,世界其他地方很难找到。这个大厅一次能够容纳750位听众,舞台可以移动和扩展。通过隔音且可伸缩的隔离屏,大厅可以分割成两个小厅,每个小厅可以容纳325位听众。希尔弗博格/Silfurberg厅非常适合举办各种类型的会议、招待会或音乐会,尤其是这一类的大型活动。大厅专门设计为会议厅的功能,所采用的是目前最先进的技术。音响效果可根据发言者的话语进行调整和配置。
Water – the Changeable Element
Kaldalón or ‘Cold Lagoon’ representing water, is named after the beautiful blue bay in the Westfjords. It is the birthplace of one of Iceland’s most celebrated songwriters, Sigvaldi Kaldalóns. This is the smallest of the halls, seating just under 200 guests. Coloured yellow, the scheme can nonetheless be changed to match the theme of the event. It is well suited for all types of music, as well as for conferences, meetings, film screenings, and lectures. It features collapsible writing tables and power outlets for use with laptops.
卡尔达隆/ Kaldalón 或“泻湖”厅,代表水,它的名字来自于西峡湾区美丽的蓝色海湾。西峡湾区是冰岛最著名的作曲家西瓦尔迪. 卡尔达隆/ Sigvaldi Kaldalóns的出生地。卡尔达隆/ Kaldalón厅是哈帕/ Harpa音乐厅和会议中心中最小的一个厅,仅能容纳200位听众。尽管厅的主色调采用的是黄色,但还是能够根据所举办的活动类型进行调整。这个厅非常适合各种类型的音乐会、会议、电影以及讲座使用,厅内配有可折叠写字桌以及笔记本电脑电源插座。
The Harpa Experience
体验哈帕/ Harpa
What is Harpa actually like? The décor in Eldborg is dramatic in rich red, with black trimmings. Even up in the upper gallery, the sound quality is amazing. Every word is crystal clear. A lot of work has gone into the advanced system of controls for the sound quality. The seating is very comfortable.
哈帕/ Harpa究竟是什么样子的? 让我们来告诉你,艾尔博格/Eldborg大厅的装修采用的是鲜艳夺目的富贵红,四周饰以黑色镶边。这个大厅的音响效果一流,即使在较高的楼座,音质也非常不错,台上演讲者的每一个词都能清脆可辨。为了这套先进的音质控制系统,很多人付出了辛勤的汗水。此外,厅内的座位也非常舒适。
However, the experience is not just in the hall. There are large, open areas on each floor for socialising, flowing staircases with ingenious small lounges set at different levels along their length – and then, there is the view. Part of Harpa is built out into the harbour. This is where its glass façade comes into its own, with its uninterrupted view over the harbour and bay to the mountain range of Esja beyond. The view in almost any weather is beautiful – and when the rainbows arch over the bay, it is stunning.
然而,体验哈帕/ Harpa 可不只是对大厅的感受。哈帕/ Harpa音乐厅和会议中心的每一楼层都设有宽敞开放的公共区域,供人们社交。不同楼层楼道口巧妙设置有小休息室,坐在休息室看熙来攘往的人群,犹如欣赏另一番风景。哈帕/ Harpa音乐厅和会议中心的部分建筑建在了雷克雅未克港口内,因而这部分玻璃外墙不受任何阻挡,通过这些玻璃幕墙,可以放眼雷克雅未克港湾,即便是远处的埃斯亚山/ Esja 山脉,也一览无余。
A Vibrant Inspiration of Top Artists
顶尖艺术家激情挥洒哈帕/ Harpa
A wide range of events take place at Harpa and performers have included British pop sensation Jamie Cullum; German tenor Jonas Kaufmann; world renowned pianist Maria Joao Pires, violinist and conductor Maxim Vengerov, conductor Gustavo Dudamel and the Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra. Four of the top world orchestras have visited Harpa, Sir Simon Rattle with Berliner Philharmoniker, Toronty Symphony Orchestra, London Philharmonic Orchestra and most recently Philharmonia Orchestra . Björk and Yoko Ono have received rave reviews for their performances. Regular conferences include Eve Online Fanfest and Arctic Circle. Already, since it’s opening in May 2011, over 5 million guests have visited Harpa.
很多活动在哈帕/ Harpa举行,演艺圈的各路名流都曾来过这里,其中包括英国流行爵士乐歌手杰米·卡伦/ Jamie Cullum ,德国男高音乔纳.考夫曼/ Jonas Kaufmann,世界著名的钢琴家玛丽亚.若昂.皮雷斯/ Maria Joao Pires , 著名小提琴家及指挥家马克西姆.文格罗夫/ Maxim Vengerov,指挥家古斯塔沃.多达梅尔/ Gustavo Dudamel,以及高登堡交响乐乐团。世界前四大管弦乐乐团都曾造访过哈帕/ Harpa 中心,它们是西蒙.拉特尔爵士/ Sir Simon Rattle率领的柏林爱乐乐团,多伦多交响乐团,伦敦爱乐乐团,以及最近来访的爱乐管弦乐团。比约克/ Björk和小野洋子/ Yoko Ono在哈帕/ Harpa 中心举办的演唱会赢得如潮好评。一些定期的会议,如星战网游玩家大会/ Eve Online Fanfest,北极圈论坛等也在这里举行。中心自2011年5月开业以来,接待的来宾已超过500万。
State of the Art Facilities
At Harpa there is an underground car park, so guests are unaffected by inclement weather and all the services are in the top echelons of such international venues, including a state-of-the-art Business Centre, with high-speed Internet connections and translation booths with the provision of headsets, where applicable.
哈帕/ Harpa 中心设有地下停车场,您无须担心天气的无常。在这个国际化的场所,所有服务设施都是顶级配置,一流的商务中心,高速互联网接入,同传厢以及接听耳麦等等,一应俱全。
There are two quality restaurants in Harpa where traditional Icelandic dishes are served in an innovative way. Being in the centre, all of the city’s other restaurants are close by. For the incentive planners, Harpa offers daily events with diversity at the forefront. Numerous music festivals are held at Harpa including Iceland Airwaves and it is the home of the Icelandic Opera, The Icelandic Opera and Reykjavik Big Band.
在哈帕/ Harpa 中心设有两个高档餐厅,餐厅提供以新法烹制的传统冰岛餐食。中心周边,分布着雷克雅未克各色美食餐厅。根据设计者的初衷,哈帕/ Harpa 活动中心经常举办各种主题活动。包括冰岛电波音乐节/ Iceland Airwaves在内的很多音乐节也在这里举办。事实上,这里已成为冰岛交响乐团/ Icelandic Opera、冰岛歌剧团/ Icelandic Opera以及雷克雅未克大乐队/ Reykjavik Big Band的“家”。
The New Icon of the North
As the Opera House in Sydney became synonymous with Australia, so Harpa has become one of Iceland’s greatest landmarks and is now an iconic symbol of Icelandic culture.
就如悉尼歌剧院已经成为了澳大利亚的代名词一样,哈帕/ Harpa 中心已经成为冰岛最大的标志性建筑以及冰岛文化的标志
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