The beach by Kálfshamarsvík

The promontary Skagi #2


Skagi is an promontory between Húnaflói and Skagafjörður in the northwest. On Skagi, there are several farms, one village, the town of Skagaströnd on the western side of the promontory, which belongs to Austur Húnavatnssýsla. The eastern side of the promontory belongs to Skagafjarðarsýsla.

It can be said that on Skagi the low-key nature of Iceland is in the foreground. Some people find the northern part cold and barren, reminiscent of Melrakkaslétta, another promontory in the northeast corner. Others think that these promontories are some of the more beautiful areas of the country.

Unfortunately, there are not many tourists who travel along this almost 100 km, along road 745, a gravel road that circles Skagi. Icelandic Times took the initiative to introduce this beautiful promontory that everyone should visit at some point.

Evening mood by the harbour at Skagaströnd
Some of the most beautiful rock formations in Iceland can be found in Kálfshamarsvík
The lighthouse at Kálfshamarsvík, built in 1939, at that time 150 people lived in the bay. The settlement has been deserted since 1947
Looking west over Húnaflói, Strandafjöll in the background, Vindhælisstapi in the foreground
Two friends hanging out
Mysterious fog at Króksbjarg
The town of Hafnir, the northernmost and westernmost town on Skagi in Austur Húnavatnssýsla. Road 745 meanders along the seaside around Skagi

Photographs and text: Páll Stefánsson
Skagi 22/08/2023 : A7R IV, A7R III, A7C : FE 2.8/100mm GM, FE 1.2/50mm GM, FE 1.8/20mm G