L’Icelandic Lava Show est l’unique endroit au monde où vous pourrez voir de la lave fondue et sentir...
Le musée du volcan Eldheimar est consacré à l’immense éruption de 1973, l’une des plus importantes qu’ait subie...
Le centre Þórbergur a été ouvert en mémoire du célèbre écrivain islandais Þórbergur Þórðarson (1888 – 1974), né à...
Langabúð cafe is located in the oldest building in Djupivogur, dating back to 1790. The cafe offers a...
The museum mostly exhibits objects and utensils relating to fishing and seafaring in general. It also displays various...
Opening hours Week days: Saturdays: Sundays: 12:00-18:00 Closed Closed ...
Árbær was an established farm well into the 20th century, and the museum opened there in 1957. Árbær...
In order to enjoy a couple of visits to the Blue Lagoon it makes a lot of sense...
The Settlement Center is located in Borgarnes. The Settlement Center consists of a restaurant and a museum. The...