Fresh, Sustainable Fish from Fishland

Fishland is a Reykjavik-based company that delivers Icelandic fish worldwide.

Iceland is surrounded by some of the best fishing waters on 3earth as a diverse range of fish species breed in the clean and vast North Atlantic Ocean. Fishland is a local company that was founded in 2014 by Kjartan Andrésson, a man with an impressive background in the fishing industry. “A lot of the other guys selling fish abroad are salesmen,” says Kjartan. “I owned a fish store and I was a sailor, so I know how to cut, process and prepare the fish. I have a strong background in fishing.”  Fishland’s main emphasis is on delivering fresh fish, caught in a sustainable manner in the Atlantic Ocean, to worldwide markets. Fishland is growing quickly due to its owner’s experience and unrivalled customer service.

Choose Iceland
Fish is the lifeblood of Iceland, sustaining its inhabitants and the source of the country’s biggest trade resource. Iceland has an extensive history in fisheries management and is considered a leader in the industry. The country is known for focusing on the sustainable use of fish stocks and its careful treatment of the local marine ecosystem. Responsible fisheries are the prerequisite for the Icelandic fishing industry continuing to be a mainstay of the Icelandic economy and a pillar in its exports. Fish species found in Icelandic waters include cod, haddock, Arctic char, herring, halibut, monkfish, catfish, plaice, ling and mackerel, among others. Fishland sells fresh cod, haddock, cod cheeks, cod loins, Arctic char, halibut, monkfish, catfish, redfish, plaice, and skate. 4As for frozen fish, Fishland sells cod, haddock, mackerel, and scampi. Plaice has been one of Fishland’s biggest sellers in the international market in recent months.

Growing Market
Fishland currently sells fish to cities in Canada and the United States. “The first city we sold to was Edmonton in Canada,” says Kjartan. “We are also selling fish to New York, Washington D.C., and Denver.” Fishland partners with Icelandair Cargo and Cargo Express to securely ship its fresh fish products abroad. Other cities of interest include Chicago, Vancouver, Los Angeles, Seattle, and Portland, Oregon. “We are a small company, but we have great contacts. We focus on personal service and we are growing quickly,” says Kjartan. The future looks bright for Fishland. -JG

Fishland Seafood

Brekkutangi 30 • Mosfellsbær

+354 820-2205 • [email protected]  •


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