Iceland by Design

Indulge your passion for Icelandic creativity
It’s possibly the trendiest of upmarket shops in Reykjavik, where over 200 of Iceland’s most talented designers have been hand-picked to show off the best of Icelandic design. Located at Aðalstræti 10, the charming wooden house from 1726 is Reykjavik´s oldest building and former home of one of Iceland’s most creative and innovative sons, Skúli Magnússon.









Nominated as the Tourist Attraction of the Year by Reykjavík City in 2008, Kraum has made its mark as a retailer forPonnukokuponnur-038987 Icelandic designers who are on par with the some of world’s top designers, offering a wide array of products ranging from small decorative ornaments, and practical clothing to full-sized furniture



The quirky, the unusual and the downright daring
The marvellous Notknot pillows from are a great example of ingenuity and simplicity. The inspiration for Notknot pillows originally came from scout knotting, and the resultant design is both unconventional and beautiful.
_DSC0655Designers from ‘Hár úr hala’ who get their inspiration from folk tales, nursery rhymes and children’s adventure stories, have come up with practical objects enjoyed by old and young. Best known for their whimsical clothes hangers called ‘Cockerel, Raven, Dog and Pig’, the company’s newest items of intrigue are its cat-shaped book ends that are available in several colours.
For a splash of Iceland to liven up your walls, don’t miss Vegg’s Icelandic themed wall stickers- puffins, dried-fish and historic scenes from Reykjavik’s rural past are among some of the favourites.

From Pancakes to Plywood
An old fashion pancake pan with a twist is another eye catcher. Five designers from various backgrounds have come up with their own take on the pancake handle. Choose from five beautifully finished designs on this most useful kitchen utensil.
Furniture designer Erla Sóley Óskarsdóttir is the creator of ‘Hyrna’, a solid oak two-piece nesting table with its nod to the Scandinavian design era of the 70‘s. The birch plywood tabletop, overlaid with rich oak veneer is both attractive and functional.
_DSC0677Elm by Matthildur offers wonderfully warm and well-fitting sweaters made of alpaca and are inspired by Iceland‘s dramatic landscape, art, and culture. Another favourite is Huginn/Muninn Design whose dresses and unconventional unisex shirts are the work of the young, female designer, Guðrún Guðjónsdóttir.
Finally, the best of Icelandic musicians such as Sigur Rós, Of Monsters and Men, Björk and even classical artists now have their cd‘s on full display and ready for purchase in the lovely Kraum Design Store.
Don’t miss it!

Aðalstræti 10 • 101 Reykjavík
+354 517 7797


  • E. Marie Valgarðsson

    Never content to put down roots, Marie has lived in 12 different countries across Europe and Africa over the last 40 years, which contributes to her unique perspective of life and a broad appreciation of the many different languages and cultures she has had to adapt to over the years. In Iceland since 2007, Marie lives in Selfoss with her Icelandic husband and the last two of her children who have not yet flown the coop, an Icelandic sheepdog and two calico cats.

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