… and what then?

… and what then?


Opening June 13 at 6 pm

The Living Art Museum is proud to present the upcoming exhibition … and what then? opening Thursday June 13 2019 at 6 pm. The exhibition runs until August 4 2019.

Exhibiting artists include:

Andreas Brunner, Eva Ísleifs, Freyja Eilíf, Fritz Hendrik IV, Huginn Þór Arason, Libia Castro & Ólafur Ólafsson, Rebecca Erin Moran, Rúna Þorkelsdóttir, Steinunn Gunnlaugsdóttir, Thorvaldur Thorsteinsson og Þórður Ben Sveinsson.

And what then? These words involve a contrasting spectrum of feelings. Wonder, surrender, fear and powerlessness. Excitement, joy and hope. Curiosity and indifference. These different threads all gather in uncertainty. Uncertainty about what could have been, did or did not take place, and what is yet to come. Uncertainty which rips us out of the now, towards different destinations and other possible scenarios. And what then?

The future is not yet upon us and is therefore both intangible and distant. This exhibition is an attempt to bring it closer. A platform for speculation, for changing one’s mind. The exhibited works invite visitors to dwell in uncertainty for a while. They revolve around that which is yet to come, the chaotic and the terrible. But also the dream of utopias – since radical thinking, pipe dreams and the disaster worlds of the future all feed on the idea of something better.

Curated by Sunna Ástþórsdóttir


Nýlistasafnið, Grandagarður 20 (Marshallhúsið), 101 Reykjavík

Opið þriðjudaga til sunnudaga frá kl. 12 – 18

fimmtudaga frá kl. 12 – 21

Nýlistasafnið, Breiðholti

Opið eftir samkomulagi

Aðgangur er ókeypis


Opening hours

The Living Art Museum, 101 Marshall house

Open Tuesday – Sunday from 12 – 18

Thursday 12 – 21

The Living Art Museum, 111 Breiðholt

Open by appointment

Admission is free
