The Best of Iceland
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Icelandic Times Extra
Information about Iceland at Your Fingertips
It took a volcano to bring Iceland to the centre stage in the eyesof the world. From being Europe’s Best Kept Secret, the country was suddenly thrust into the limelight, making Iceland a top touristdestination. Many thousands of people all over the world are seekinginformation about Iceland and the number of visitors is burgeoning.
This first issue of the Icelandic Times Extra introduces Iceland inall its facets. It provides a valuable resource of information that youcan use to plan your trip and use as you travel. It answers those basicquestions of where to stay, where to go, where to eat and what todo and buy. It contains a wealth of information about the country,its nature, culture, customs, history, recreational activities andlifestyle. You will be taken around the country, just as if you weredriving from Reykjavík, visiting the towns and villages, with theirmuseums, restaurants, hotels and camp sites, handcraft shops andgalleries. Travelling through the countryside, the natural wondersare revealed, the birds and wildlife captured in spectacular photos byrenowned expert, Jóhann Óli Hilmarsson and the Northern Lightsrecorded by famed photographer, Olgeir Andrésson, making it afascinating read for anyone interested in the Land of Fire and Ice