The Homey Touch

Enjoy the beauty of the dales at Nes farm

nes reykholtsdal icelandictijmesSituated in one of the most beautiful farmland areas in Iceland, the Nes in Reykholtsdalur farm offers comfortable accommodation near some of the most magnificent sites on the island with homey atmosphere and friendly service.
nes reykholt icelandic times DSCF8282The farm was started in 1937 and the oldest part of the farmhouse dates from that era. Now the third generation descended from the founding farmers runs this agreeable establishment. It is located in the middle of the valley with a view to Reykholt, a great historical site, majestic glaciers in the highlands and magnificent mountains in the east.
One of Iceland’s most recently built golf courses is literally at the doorstep and whether you stay to enjoy your favourite pastime or to simply relax after sightseeing in this beautiful area, the farmer and his wife can provide you with a serene room to rest in, appetizing meals and interesting information about the surroundings and the environment. Staying at Nes offers a unique opportunity to see Iceland through the eyes of the locals. – ST.S


Nes in Reykholtsdal

Reykholt • 311 Borgarnesi
+354 435 1472
[email protected]

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