Seyðisfjörður’s colours shine even more in the winter

Take your time for beauty

Silent, majestic, eternal. No matter whether you enter the fjord of Seyðisfjörður from the seaside by ferry and bringing your own car with you, or traveling from the serpentine Fjarðarheiði mountain pass – you have to take a deep breath and drink from the unique beauty of one of East Iceland’s most spectacular fjords. Not only because of the abundance of its natural sites. In Seyðisfjörður civilization and nature have joined a long time ago and embrace each other in kind of an etherical and unforgettable way. Lonely Planet placed the fishing village seventh within 15 Icelandic ‘must-see’ destinations.

fjallganga 2Cultural goodies

Only 26 kilometers from Egilsstaðir, or a 30 minute’s drive from the main road No. 1 this storybook village with its 700 inhabitants presents a flourishing cultural life all year round. By heading down the wild mountain road from Fjarðarheiði you will enter a world of its own at the very east end of Iceland: carefully preserved timber houses, dating back to the times of the danish merchants, decorate the fjord like colourful goodies. A panorama that is unique in Iceland.

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Living art work like the sound-dome in the mountains, or this winter’s exhibition at the Skaftfell Art Centre with art works by the famous painter Dieter Roth might set an accent on your stay as does the local quality food served in restaurants and bistros.

mix 072Did you know?

With modern times entering Iceland in the past centuries, Seyðisfjörður had been playing an important role, not only as the ferry harbour that connected the remote island with the continent and thus opened for extensive trade, but also as the first Icelandic village that was linked to the outside world by an undersea telephone cable and started running the first power plant. Did you know, rushing down the ferry?

Sey panoramaThere are some good reasons to schedule a night or two in the town’s elegant first class hotel, Aldan, or in one of the comfortable guesthouses, and experience Iceland from a view that most travelers miss out.

Hiking or contemplating on the bonds of man and wilderness at the heritage centre and guesthouse Skalanes might give you the most intense insight into Icelandic nature and life and prepare you for your time leap, away from busy yesterday.

Af toppnumDon’t hurry, simply enjoy.

Whereas the bustling summer fades away, Seyðisfjörður turns into an oasis of peace and romance with its deep blue water and the breathtaking steep snow covered mountains, inviting the traveler to slow down life in a place that also offers comforts of a remote winter resort with hiking, jeep tours and skiing-fun. Don’t hesitate to phone for bookings in advance, accommodation and trips can be arranged all year round.

sum.2012 056Evenings in Seyðisfjörður have a magic of their own as you not only will find stars from the overwhelming firmament shimmering in the quiet water, but you might also spot some northern lights, that will occur the more spectacular, the darker the Icelandic night appears.

There is a lot to discover at Iceland’s East End. Take your time for extraordinaries.

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  • Dagmar Trodler

    Dagmar Trodler is an author and fairy-hill dweller. Her motto: A life without nature and horses is possible, but makes no sense.

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