Aðalsteinn Ásberg Sigurðsson

Family concert – Blessed sun

The whole family writes songs to the poetry of Hannes Hafstein’s, Iceland’s first Minister of State. Hannes Hafsein built the house on Grundarstígur 10, Hannesarholt, and lived there during the final seven years of his life with seven of his eight children. Aðalsteinn Ásberg Sigurðsson and his family contribute generously to the cultural life in Reykjavík, and now his three children have all written songs to Hafstein’s poems as he has done himself. Three of them took part in Hannesarholt’s song competition two years ago and now they share their creations with the rest of us. Hannesarholt greatly appreciates this talented family and their contributions. More concerts of this kind are on the wish list.
The restaurant on the first floor is open from 11.30 am to 4.00 pm for those who want to enjoy refreshments before the concert.
Tickets for sale on  tix.is