The Girl, The Horse and the Highlands

The Girl, The Horse and the Highlands.  A series of prints, paintings and water colors based on dreams of riding in the highlands.

I have shown my artwork locally and internationally in curated exhibitions and grass roots events for more than 50 exhibitions. I am dedicated to my craft and I have a strong creative work ethic. My days begin with a routine of painting for at least 4 -7 hrs. I strive to create art that resonates with and transforms its viewers.

I continue to grow, learn and teach. I am a visual artist and specialise in painting, my mediums range from oil to ink. Since 2014, I have been living and working from my art studio in Borgarnes. Although painting is my main form of expression, occasionally I sculpt with clay. In 1999, I began to study art in India, where I first learned the lost wax bronze casting method in an apprenticeship with the family Lal in Chamba. In 2002 in Amsterdam my calling as a painter began when learning the Rembrandt’s method and renaissance glazing techniques at the art studio of Hans van Vlaerken. Thereafter I completed the introductory year at the Rietveld Academy where my path as a painter crystallised and I sought out a 3 year apprenticeship where I worked intensively with the poet and painter Anton Martineau. Since this time, I have worked for the past 20 years from my own art studios in Holland, Switzerland, Belgium and finally here in Iceland.

I created art events in Winterthur, “the Open Doors Event” and “MAP Magazine”, and established in Borgarnes to integrate art and the community. In the past decade I have done artist residencies at Baer Art Center, SIM, Gilfélagið and Akureyri Art Museum. I have received 6 Innovation & Development Grants from Uppbyggingarsjóður Vesturlands, won 3rd prize for the Women’s Innovation Project awarded at Háskóli Íslands AWE Accelerator, and my art was selected for the Lunar Codex Time Capsule to the moon. I taught digital art and other art credit courses at the Menntaskolinn in Borgarnes. During Covid I was hired to create art educational videos for List Fyrir Alla.

Exhibition opening is April 25th from 18:00-20:00 and everyone is welcome!

Other opening hours:
Friday 26th April 13:00 – 18:00
Saturday 27th April 12:00 – 17:00
Sunday 28h April 14:00 – 17:00

The event is sponsored by the Culture and Tourism Committee of Hafnarfjörður.