Á mánaðarlegum Open Mic kvöldunum á Húrra er hverjum sem er boðið að koma og gera hvað sem...
Fyrstu tónleikar Grísalappalísu í ár haldnir á KEX Hostel á laugardagskvöldið 2. September Ein magnaðasta íslenska rokkhljómsveit síðari...
Biologist Eyjólfur Friðgeirsson knows nature pretty well. He is passionate about the harvesting of nature, which he sees...
Sailing with Reykjavik Sea Adventures from the old harbour in the centre of Reykjavík is a unique opportunity...
Gallerí List (Est. 1987) is Iceland’s oldest fine art gallery, offering a wide selection of Icelandic contemporary art...
Í Álafoss er að finna mikið úrval af íslenskum ullarvörum, allt frá hefðbundnum handprjónuðum lopapeysum, hinum geysivinsælu Álafoss teppum...
DIVE.IS– 5 star PADI Dive Center Icealnd is Iceland’s first and leading Dive Center and has had the...
Happy World offers various paragliding tours with experienced private Tandem Indstructor pilots. A tandem flight is an introductory...
AALTO Bistro is a friendly and exciting restaurant in Reykjavik under the leadership and vision of renowned TV...
Café Loki is located in front of Reykjavik’s largest church (Hallgrimskirkja), just a five minutes’ walk from the...
About 101 Hotel 101 hotel is a boutique hotel, situated in the heart of Reykjavik, the capital of...
The guesthouse is family owned and operated. The house was built in 1903 by Kristjan Kristjansson blacksmith. It...
Árbæjarlaug is a large, modern pool with excellent facilities for children. It is comprised of an outdoor pool,...
The pool is located in Laugardalur Valley. Its facilities include a 50m outdoor pool, outdoor children’s pool and...
Hafnarborg – The Hafnarfjörður Centre of Culture and Fine Art was established in 1983. The museum has two...
Árbær was an established farm well into the 20th century, and the museum opened there in 1957. Árbær...
Það verður mikið um að vera á Árbæjarsafni næstkomandi sunnudag, þann 30. júní. Bæjarbúar bíða spenntir eftir komu...
Spunahópurinn Improv Ísland býr til einstakan gamanleik á staðnum spunnin út frá einu orði úr áhorfendasal. Ekkert...
Jazzhátíð Reykjavíkur fer fram dagana 9. -13. ágúst 2017. Hátíðin freistar þess að bjóða uppá það besta í...
Hugurinn leiddi hann út á öldurnar Hugurinn leiddi hann út á öldurnar er yfirskrift hádegisfyrirlestrar sem Davíð Logi...