Jurgita Motienjunaite sýnir Gerðubergi.

Jurgita Motienjunaite sýnir fjölbreytt verk í Borgarbókasafninu Gerðubergi.
Sýningatímabil:17. apríl -16. maí 2021.
Okkur líður vel í þægindarammanum okkar. Hann er umbúðirnar okkar, búbblan okkar, íverustaður okkar. Stundum verðum við hrædd við að yfirgefa þennan stað, við hræðust það sem hvílir í umhverfinu utan hans.
Jurgita Motienjunaite sýnir fjölbreytt verk í Gerðubergi unnin úr efnivið sem að ölli jöfnu lendir í flokkunartunninni. Í meðförum Jurgitu öðlast efnivðurinn nýtt líf og samhengi. Fallegir litir og form hluta sem við erum vön að sjá í hlutverki umbúða um matvæli eru nú orðin hluti af listaverkum.
Jurgita Motiejunaite er fædd í Litháen árið 1974. Hún útskrifaðist frá Listaháskólanum í Vilnius 1999 og hefur síðan tekið þátt í fjölda listasýninga. Hún hefur komið að fjölda listrænna verkefna Litháíska móðurmálsskólanum og haldið utan um listsýningar barna sem stunda þar nám. Jurgita býr í Reykjavík og starfar sem innanhúss- og húsgagnahönnuður. Jurgita lifir í þrítyngdum veruleika – Litháískum, enskum og íslenskum. Að hennar mati nær enskan best utan um innihald sýningarinnar hennar – Content-Contained- Container.
Verkin á sýningunni er unnin uppúr fjölbreyttum efniviði sem á það sammerkt að vera umbúðir utan um eitthvað, en í hennar meðhöndlun öðlast þær nýtt líf, verða fallegar.
Sýningin er á dagskrá Barnamenningarhátíðar.
Viðtal í Fréttablaðinu
Jur­gita Moti­ejunaite innan­húss­hönnuður er að ljúka MA-gráðu í al­þjóð­legu námi í menntunar­fræði við Há­skóla Ís­lands. Sjálf kennir hún börnum litháísku og listir við Litháíska móður­máls­skólann og er með einka­sýningu og önnur verk­efni á prjónunum.  Lesa meira hér
Exhibition | Content – Contained – Container
April 17th – May 16th
Jurgita Motienjunaite’s exhibition about our comfort zones and commercial packages.
We feel happy and safe in our comfort zone. This is our package, our bubble, our container. Often we are afraid of leaving our container; we are afraid of everything that is outside our comfort zone bubble. We are Content to be Contained in our Containers.
Memory is a Container. So is the meaning. We store the Contents that we are Comfortable with in there. It makes us Content.
We also like better to buy goods in packages. We see a promise of quality, quantity and safety assured by the package. Fancy packages can sell anything. Anything that is of the poor quality, unclear quantity and unsafe as well. Packages can preserve goods longer than it is natural. Packaging materials is one of the biggest sources of pollution.
We are Content buying goods Contained in fancy Containers.
Shipping containers transport goods and sometimes illegal passengers for long distances to make people happy. Some are happy being able to receive less expensive goods produced in distant countries, rejecting the local producers of their closest market; some are happy to receive goods that are unavailable in their countries; some are happy to be able to start a new and better life in a different distant country.
People are Content with the Contents of the Containers.
About the artist
I am using recycled materials and especially various recycled packaging containers to create art. My art items aim to create an aesthetic contentment for the beholders looking at the containers containing different things and different meanings.
Art attempts to make the beholders Content observing art, Contained in the recycled Containers.
„I am a Lithuanian artist living in Iceland and juggling three languages – Lithuanian, English and Icelandic – every day. The idea and a description of this exhibition appeared in English event it is not my native language. It made more sense in English as I learned to talk and discuss sustainability and globalization in English. Many English words became international and are used to define global issues in Lithuanian language. But not in Icelandic. I learned a lot making efforts to express the ideas of the exhibition both in Lithuanian and Icelandic.“
Jurgita Motiejunaite born in 1974, graduated from Vilnius Art Academy in 1999. Since then she has participated in numerous exhibitions and projects. Jurgita lives and works in Reykjavík.
The exhibition is a part of the Children’s Culture Festival.
Frekari upplýsingar / Further information:
[email protected]